My mom and I took the boys to Funderland and the park last weekend while Eric was out of town. It was a beautiful day and a great day to spend outside. We've taken the boys to Funderland before, the last time was in August last year and on that visit, I was quite pregnant with Holly. This time, Holly got to go with us, but no pony rides yet for her!! After the pony riding, the kids went on the amusement park rides including a dragon mini rollercoaster at Funderland. Then we had a picnic lunch at the park and were surrounded by millions of tiny white dasies in the grass. The boys kept busy eating their PB&J sandwiches and picking as many flowers as possible.

Carson cried the last time we tried to get him to ride the pony, but this time he loved it! Carson's pony was named Candy!

Tate is an old pro at the pony rides now. This time he rode on this sweet brown pony named Rocky.