Sunday, July 31, 2011

Carson's 4th birthday

This year Carson asked to have a camping birthday party. So, we reserved 4 campsites at French Meadows campground and invited some friends to celebrate Carson's day.

Carson wanted a Spider man themed party, so all his friends joined him in wearing Spider man masks. He had a great time with his pals.

Our 4 year old boy!

Carson was so excited to open his presents from his friends. (From left to right) Wilson, Collin, Carson, Tim, Justin, Tate, and Holly.

The one low point of our trip was when Carson had a touch of the stomach flu. He missed most of the fun at the lake on Saturday because he was was feeling so crummy. He slept for hours under the easy-up tent on his Buzz Lightyear sleeping bag.

The boys found that the bear food storage locker could be useful for storing kids also.

I caught Holly sitting on top of our picnic table eating forkful after of forkful of guacamole. She loved it!

Holly and I walked with our group down to the lake each evening at sunset.

Tate is a great big brother. He is always so kind to her and he did a great job keeping an eye on her at the waters edge.

Wilson and Tate went out on the fishing boat and helped catch a few fish. They had a great time and thought that the trout were very cool. Eric cooked the fish up for breakfast the next morning.

Our friend Brian brought his fishing boat this weekend and was kind enough to take each of the boys out for an evening boat ride. Carson and Russell got their turn, which just so happened to be Russell's first time ever on a boat.

Friday, July 22, 2011

" I eat everything"

Holly often goes with me to California Family Fitness Gym and plays in the child care area while I work out. She used to have to wear a sticker that read " I eat crayons". However, because of a few incidences involving bark, art supplies and Floam, she now has to wear a sticker that reads " I eat everything". I decided to take a photo of her with her sticker because this is one of those things that someday we will get an extra chuckle about when she is an adult.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

We watched Sun City's fireworks presentation last night, so we were lucky enough to just spend a relaxing evening at home before doing our own fireworks outside with our neighbors.

Our "All American" kids!

The kids will only humor me for so long with nice picture poses before things start to go downhill!



I was so excited to have this cute fireworks shirt and headband for Holly! We searched high and low for this headband which had been missing all day. Finally....Tate confessed that he had accidentally broken it earlier. He said that he didn't want me to be mad or Holly to be sad, so he figured that if he put it under the couch then we might just forget about it. After a long talk about honesty and some quick work with the glue gun, Holly was ready to look cute in her festive headband again.

Patriotic baby

Carson loved the sparklers

Eric and I had decided that the kids would just play outside with the neighbor kids and we would not spend any money on fireworks this year. Well, at about 8 o'clock, just as the sun was starting to go down, Eric started to second guess that decision. So at the very last minute, I drove over to a fireworks stand just down the street and picked up a few fireworks for us after all. We were so glad that I did because the kids really liked them and we all had a really fun evening!