Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fun at Funderland- Aug. 2009

The morning started on the Bulgie fish ride. When the boys went on Bulgie last March, Carson loved it so much that he asked for more and more!! He was not such a bit fan of it today, and was definitely ready to move onto the next ride.

Tate and Mimi went on the Krazy Kups ride next.... you know it's crazy when they spell it with a "K"!! This ride could make anyone feel sick eventually, but I really would have been in trouble.

The car driving ride was just perfect for Carson, he loved it. In fact, he squealed and cried each time the ride was over.

Mimi and Tate rode together...Tate is a very good driver!

We had to stop for a snow cone, cherry flavor!!

We rode the carousel, which Carson was not quite sure if he liked or not.

Tate had no trouble deciding that he liked riding the carousel and even tried to help convince Carson that it was really fun.

Up up in the sky they pretended to go!!

Tate can be such a ham with his facial expressions.

Tate and Mimi rode on the airplanes while Carson and I watched them go around and around. Carson decided that it looked like a lot of fun and decided that he wanted a turn too.

Mimi was a good sport to go on most of the rides with the boys since I was not allowed to go on because I'm pregnant.

Carson seemed to be really excited to ride the pony until it was actually time to get on Blackie. As I walked with them around the pony trail, he did warm up to Blackie a bit more and actually enjoyed the ride.

Mimi helped lead Tate around the pony trail while riding Dusty. Tate really liked his ride so much that he went around the trail twice.

Finally at the end of our morning we had a picnic lunch at the park! The boys were so exhausted that they were asleep within minutes of being in the car for the drive home.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Carson's 2nd Birthday- July 31, 2009

The birthday boy loves cupcakes, but usually just licks off the frosting and leaves the cake part behind.

Mimi and Pa gave Carson new Wall-E sheets for his big boy bed that he will be sleeping in soon. He and Tate will be sharing a room together in a few months, and are both excited about their new bunk-bed.

Carson also got a Toy Story backpack, Thomas the Train Golden book, and a Richard Scarry Busytown DVD.

I took Carson to Toy R Us the week before his birthday and let him pick out something for his special day. He picked out "Mac" from Disney's Cars movie.

The birthday dinner was pizza (always a kid favorite), watermelon, and salad. Carson currently would rather eat salad, really just the lettuce, more then anything else. He LOVES lettuce. Go figure, just my luck, the one vegetable that he will actually eat is only one that has no nutritional value.

Mimi and Pa joined us for the birthday dinner on our back patio.

Earlier in the day, Tate helped me make the cupcakes. He likes to be a helper in the kitchen when I'm cooking these days. He just drags his little step stool over to the counter and his job is to pour in the ingredients. While assisting today though, I think he ate more candies then he put on the cupcakes.

For Carson's birthday day event, we took the boys to Fairfield to the Jelly Belly factory. While taking the tour, these hats are required to be worn at all times.

We didn't realize that the wait for the tour would be so long on a Friday morning. The boys waited patiently for our turn, and the promise of jelly beans at the tours end helped ensure good behavior while waiting in line.

The kids thought this giant jelly belly guy was really cool, and overall had a really fun day. They ate more jelly beans then any kid needs to ever eat in one day, but they went home happy!

swim lessons

Carson and I have been taking the "mommy and me" swim class with my step sister Mary and her little boy. We have been going every Friday afternoon since June to the Sea Otters Swim School in Loomis.

The pool is indoors, so the water is always just the right temperature. Carson really loves splashing in the pool, but does not really love getting his head or face wet under the water.

While Carson and I do our class, Tate takes his lesson with his very own teacher.

Tate's teacher is great at helping him practice his swimming skills. He has now started to really build his confidence. His teacher loaned him some goggles, which he thinks are very cool, because he still hates to have water anywhere near his face or eyes.

Carson is practicing his "kicks and scoops" swimming.