Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fun at Funderland- Aug. 2009

The morning started on the Bulgie fish ride. When the boys went on Bulgie last March, Carson loved it so much that he asked for more and more!! He was not such a bit fan of it today, and was definitely ready to move onto the next ride.

Tate and Mimi went on the Krazy Kups ride next.... you know it's crazy when they spell it with a "K"!! This ride could make anyone feel sick eventually, but I really would have been in trouble.

The car driving ride was just perfect for Carson, he loved it. In fact, he squealed and cried each time the ride was over.

Mimi and Tate rode together...Tate is a very good driver!

We had to stop for a snow cone, cherry flavor!!

We rode the carousel, which Carson was not quite sure if he liked or not.

Tate had no trouble deciding that he liked riding the carousel and even tried to help convince Carson that it was really fun.

Up up in the sky they pretended to go!!

Tate can be such a ham with his facial expressions.

Tate and Mimi rode on the airplanes while Carson and I watched them go around and around. Carson decided that it looked like a lot of fun and decided that he wanted a turn too.

Mimi was a good sport to go on most of the rides with the boys since I was not allowed to go on because I'm pregnant.

Carson seemed to be really excited to ride the pony until it was actually time to get on Blackie. As I walked with them around the pony trail, he did warm up to Blackie a bit more and actually enjoyed the ride.

Mimi helped lead Tate around the pony trail while riding Dusty. Tate really liked his ride so much that he went around the trail twice.

Finally at the end of our morning we had a picnic lunch at the park! The boys were so exhausted that they were asleep within minutes of being in the car for the drive home.


  1. How fun!!! Where is Funderland? I don't think I've ever heard of it. Taylor keeps making me scroll back up to see "the boys" on the rides. lol

  2. Cute Pictures, Looks like a great time~!

  3. Hi, Lisa! Looks as if a great time was had by all! What fun to view all of the latest photos. Tate and Carson are obviously thriving in the wonderful children's world that you and Eric have created for your family, reflected so beautifully in this blog. Thanks for sharing. Hi to Eric, too! Love, Aunt Jeanette
