Sunday, December 20, 2009

Winter in Tahoe

This week we decided to take a quick-mid week trip to Lake Tahoe for a few nights. The first day we just stayed in the condo at the Ridge Sierra and enjoyed the snowfall from the warmth of the fireplace. The boys stood at the window to watch the snowflakes fall, Eric spent the day working in Tahoe doing home inspections, and I did many loads of laundry because we found out the hard way while driving up to Tahoe that Carson gets car sick.

After the snow stopped falling, we went out to build a snowman. The snow was such soft powder that it was impossible to pack the snow enough to build our snowman, so we made snow angels instead.

We tried a little sledding too, but that was short lived because as soon as the boys got snow up their sleeves and in their boots, they decided it was time to go inside.

Carson wouldn't stand up in the snow and he repeatedly said, " I stuck". Even though he really wasn't stuck in the snow, he seemed to think he was, and therefore wouldn't even try to stand up.

Carson was not a big fan of the snow. He told me many times, " I go beach". He loved going to the beach in San Deigo in October and he was wishing this Tahoe trip was to San Diego trip instead. I think he is much more likely to someday be a surfer rather than a snowboarder!

Holly enjoyed the snow from the comfort of her car seat.

Holly spent some time with dad while I played with the boys in the snow.

Tate suggested that we should have tennis rackets (snowshoes) for our feet to make it easier to walk in the snow.


  1. Well your pictures certainly don't make it look like a mediocre trip! I love being able to see updates and pictures of everyone so often now days. You've got the cutest little kids, I just love 'em. :)

  2. Snow can be so fun!! But I love little Carsons reation to it. lol. So cute!!
