Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Garden day at preschool

Tate and Carson go to a great preschool which hosted this "garden party". The kids and their parents all came to preschool last Friday to plant seeds and starter plants in the school's garden. Then over the summer, they will get to go out each day to see what is growing and pick the ready veggies.

Tate took great care to dig a hold for and water his bean plants.

The boys then went to the next "station" where they could dig in the dirt for worms. Tate and Carson worked together with their spoons and shovels to collect worms on a paper plate. They watched the worms wriggle around for a bit before finding good homes for them in the garden.

I took Tate's picture when he first started preschool last year, so now it is Carson's turn to pose for his "big boy" school picture.

This is the room where the kids do their artwork, playdough, and messy activities. Carson paints everyday, but I'm convinced that he ends up with more paint on himself then on his paper. Thank goodness for washable paint!

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