Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bicycle ride in the Park

Last weekend we took the kids to Maidu Park for a bicycle ride and picnic lunch. We borrowed this bike seat from our neighbor to see if Carson would like it. He did like it, but it was a little tricky for me to get the balancing mastered. We may have to give it another try before deciding to buy one of our own.

Eric pulled Tate and Holly in the bike trailer. Tate is too big for the bike seat on my bicycle and Holly is too little, so....they got paired up together in the trailer. They loved it, but it eventually did put Holly to sleep.

Tonight we were all sitting on the couch together watching "Cake Boss" on TV before starting the bedtime routine. The kids think its a cool show because of all of the elaborate cakes that they make and I actually find it fun to watch too.

I love this picture of Holly because it captures the happy expression that she gets on her little face when we talk to her. She is such a happy baby!

Tate lost his very first tooth and was so proud! It was only loose for about a week before it came out. I had just picked him up from school and we had just gotten into the car. He tried to open the Tupperware lid of his lunchbox strawberries with his teeth, and accidentally pried out the loose tooth. The bit of blood scared him at first, then he decided it was cool that the tooth had actually come out. He put the tooth under his pillow and was rewarded with 2 dollars. He usually puts his money in his piggy bank, but this time he was dying to take it to Target to pick out a toy. He picked a Iron Man action figure that rides an ATV (such a boy) and mommy had to chip in a few extra dollars, but it was what he really wanted!

1 comment:

  1. The picture with you and the kids on the couch is so cute!!
