Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tate's 5th Birthday

We celebrated Tate's 5th birthday this weekend with a "superhero" birthday party at the park.
Most of the party guests wore their favorite superhero t-shirt and each kid got a superhero cape to wear also.

Tate loves Iron Man right now. He's never seen the movies or the cartoon, but loves it anyway. Our neighbor so generously offered to make Tate's cake and she did such a great job. It was chocolate cake with chocolate filling and frosting. It looked fantastic and tasted just as good!

Tate invited just a few close friends and neighbors. Mason, Tate, Carson, Owen, and Reiss lined up for cake.

The kids played a superhero "kryptonite hunt"party game. Just like an Easter egg hunt, the kids looked for neon green kryptonite rocks hidden all over the playgrounds and grass.

Carson got into character after the party in his new Spider man costume. He loved it and showed off his muscle flex pose.

Eric and I joined in with the superhero theme also, me with a superman shirt and Eric with " The Flash" t-shirt. We all had a fun day and Tate had a great birthday!

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