Sunday, July 31, 2011

Carson's 4th birthday

This year Carson asked to have a camping birthday party. So, we reserved 4 campsites at French Meadows campground and invited some friends to celebrate Carson's day.

Carson wanted a Spider man themed party, so all his friends joined him in wearing Spider man masks. He had a great time with his pals.

Our 4 year old boy!

Carson was so excited to open his presents from his friends. (From left to right) Wilson, Collin, Carson, Tim, Justin, Tate, and Holly.

The one low point of our trip was when Carson had a touch of the stomach flu. He missed most of the fun at the lake on Saturday because he was was feeling so crummy. He slept for hours under the easy-up tent on his Buzz Lightyear sleeping bag.

The boys found that the bear food storage locker could be useful for storing kids also.

I caught Holly sitting on top of our picnic table eating forkful after of forkful of guacamole. She loved it!

Holly and I walked with our group down to the lake each evening at sunset.

Tate is a great big brother. He is always so kind to her and he did a great job keeping an eye on her at the waters edge.

Wilson and Tate went out on the fishing boat and helped catch a few fish. They had a great time and thought that the trout were very cool. Eric cooked the fish up for breakfast the next morning.

Our friend Brian brought his fishing boat this weekend and was kind enough to take each of the boys out for an evening boat ride. Carson and Russell got their turn, which just so happened to be Russell's first time ever on a boat.

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