Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Summer swimming

We have spent a lot of time this summer at the gym, California Family Fitness. It has been such a great place to spend our afternoons cooling off in the pool. Holly likes to play in the pool with our diving rings. The pink one in her hand in this photo is her favorite.

They really do more splashing around then actual swimming, but they have tons of fun.

Holly loves the water and can splash and play just as much as her brothers!

Tate has really gotten to be a good swimmer this summer. He is much more confident and is so proud of his improvements.

At the end of the afternoon, its time to dry off and head home for dinner. Before leaving though, the kids usually talk me into getting them each a Popsicle at the pool's snack window.

1 comment:

  1. Look at how big she is getting!! She's gorgeous!! Awe... and her hair is getting longer in the back. So cute!! Looks like you guys had a fun summer! Miss ya!
