Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Our trick-or-treating group of neighborhood friends: Carson, Tate, Wilson, Russell, Andrew, Holly, and Tim

This year after much consideration and deliberation, the final costume decision concluded with Holly in her Cinderella costume, Carson as Buzz Lightyear, and Tate as a pirate.

Carson loved his costume, however it didn't end up being the most comfortable. Since it was made out of a thick vinyl, the poor kid sweated like crazy in this hot sweatsuit!

I dressed up in my new witch costume for work this morning, so decided to stay in the Halloween spirit for our trick-or-treating evening as well.

At the end of every successful trick-or-treating evening, the candy must get dumped out and sorted through. The kids were allowed a few favorite pieces to eat tonight, then dad got his selection choices to keep......and then the rest will be distributed slowly over the next week or two!

Bonus pumpkin patch visit

We decided to add one more pumpkin patch trip to our fall season this year. We went with two other neighborhood families and had a great day.

Forget the pumpkins, Holly would have been happy to just spend the day feeding the goats.

The boys challenged themselves by racing up the hay tower...I'm sure it was a tie.

Pumpkins pumpkins everywhere! How do we choose just one?

These are our neighbors and good friends Kate and Amy who we spent our day with at the pumpkin farm.

What a sweet boy

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pumpkin time

Again this year, we made our annual trip to the Davis Family Farm in Sloughhouse to pick out our pumpkins.

The kids went only a little way into the corn maze with me, just enough to run down a few paths. They would have liked to run around more, but considering the maze is 3 acres, I was worried about losing them!

Before we filled up our wagon with pumpkins, the kids liked being pulled around for a while.

These Cinderella pumpkins are one of my favorite.

Eric actually got to go with us this year. In years past he has always been working or out of town, so we were happy to have him with us this time.

Each kid got to pick out their own pumpkin to carve once Halloween is actually here. Carson picked his out right away and was happy with his choice. It took some extensive explaining to convince him they we were not going to carve them as soon as we got home today.

Holly barely tolerated all of my picture taking during my quest for the ideal fall photo. She really didn't like the scratchy hay on her legs and was ready to get down from the hay bales as soon as possible.

Holly and her friends

This is one of those little moments in our daily life that I knew if I didn't take a picture, I would soon forget. Right now, Holly's nap and bedtime requires an entire entourage of dolls, babies, and stuffed animals. She also insists on having both her crochet blanket and the blanket that RahRah made for her, regardless of hot it may be in her room already. Anything less then all of these things in her little bed just won't do, and will result in whining and crying.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tate's 6th Birthday - September 20, 2011

After a busy morning at school, Tate celebrated his 6th birthday at Bounce U.

The kids took turns climbing the giant slide and zipping down to the bottom. They had so much fun climbing and bouncing, they soon had red faces and sweaty heads.

Holly got a chance to do some bouncing too!

Tate had just a few of his closest pals join him. His friends are Wilson, Russell, Holly, Colin, Rhyan, Owen, Andrew, Carson, and Tim.

In the "party room", the kids had lemonade and cupcakes before opening presents.

I made Tate's party cupcakes and he picked up the pirate flags to add to the top.

The proud parents of our 6 year old birthday boy!

Everyone was excited to see all the fun presents that Tate got to open. The party "hostess" helped Tate with the present opening routine and wrote down all the gifts on a list, while I got to sit back and enjoy the party too.

After the party at Bounce U, we headed back home for the family party. RahRah, Papa, Mimi, and Pa joined us for a spaghetti dinner. Then we followed it with a little more cake. Tate and RahRah made this cake together at her house just for the party.

Tate got lots of cool presents, but this one happened to be from RahRah and Papa. A Scooby Doo movie and a Dragon Cart. What more could a kid ask for???