Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pumpkin time

Again this year, we made our annual trip to the Davis Family Farm in Sloughhouse to pick out our pumpkins.

The kids went only a little way into the corn maze with me, just enough to run down a few paths. They would have liked to run around more, but considering the maze is 3 acres, I was worried about losing them!

Before we filled up our wagon with pumpkins, the kids liked being pulled around for a while.

These Cinderella pumpkins are one of my favorite.

Eric actually got to go with us this year. In years past he has always been working or out of town, so we were happy to have him with us this time.

Each kid got to pick out their own pumpkin to carve once Halloween is actually here. Carson picked his out right away and was happy with his choice. It took some extensive explaining to convince him they we were not going to carve them as soon as we got home today.

Holly barely tolerated all of my picture taking during my quest for the ideal fall photo. She really didn't like the scratchy hay on her legs and was ready to get down from the hay bales as soon as possible.

1 comment:

  1. All of these photos look like the perfect fall photo! Going to get pumpkins is great. I like the picture of you and Eric at the bay too, very pretty. Audrey~
