Sunday, November 27, 2011

Turkey Time Again

My Grandma, Grandpa, and dad joined us for a Thanksgiving visit and dessert. Grandma and Grandpa like to have their holiday dinner at a nearby favorite restaurant. Then, they like to come for a visit at our house and some early afternoon dessert.
Later in the evening, our family had our turkey day dinner with Mimi and Pa. Eric bought a smoker the day before Thanksgiving, so was happy to have the opportunity to try it out. According to Eric and Pa, the smoked turkey was great, but Carson was a bit more of a critic.

Carson said he would have preferred cold hot dogs, so his taste creditability is definitely in question!

Before dinner we all wrote down what we were thankful for this year.
Carson was thankful for "Angry birds and his friend Bella." Tate was thankful for "his teacher Ms. Hellen and the kindergarten class mascot (Fudge the hippo). " Holly was thankful for her stuffed animal cat Mia, and her favorite food- string cheese. Eric was thankful for "his awesome wife and above average kids", and I was thankful for "my family, my kids, and our health".

Holly liked everything she was served, what a good girl.

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