Sunday, March 11, 2012

Shamrock'n 1/2 Marathon

This morning I was up bright and early and off Sacramento to run my first official half marathon (13.1 miles). The race begins and ends at Raley Field. The course travels over the Tower Bridge, through Discovery park and Old Sac, and past the Capitol building. Along the way, runners are entertained by local musicians and bands. Who has time to think about being tired when there are so many distractions to see and hear??

The kids and Eric came to watch me finish the race. The boys greeted me with a congratulatory hug .

My Shamrock'n finishers medal!


  1. Awesome job Lisa! That's a cool medal! :)

  2. Great Job Lisa! That sounds like an awesome, route to run with interesting sights! SO cute to see your family support you at the finish, nice!

  3. Congrats, Lisa! Quite an accomplishment! Over 13 miles? Wow! Well done! You should be proud of yourself!
    Always love catching up on your family updates & photos. My best to you, Eric & the family. Love, Aunt Jeanette
