Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New pictures of Holly

Tate loves his little sister. Last week as I was getting Holly dressed, Tate sat down next to us and told me that he had dreamed of having a baby sister, and now his wish had come true. I didn't know if I should laugh or was just the sweetest thing for a little boy to say.

Holly wore her St. Patrick's Day shirt to celebrate the day. Tate made sure that we all wore something green today. Although she didn't get to eat anything green, her brothers were excited to try green milkshakes and green frosted cookies.

I just love having a little girl to buy cute little headbands and bows for....just wait until she actually has hair for me to do pigtails and ponytails.

Holly looked so sweet sleeping when she fell asleep in her car seat on the way home from the grocery store.


  1. Holly looks like such a doll! That is the sweetest little comment from Tate! You have a precious little family there.~

  2. Awe... she's already posing for you!! lol
    She is sooo adorable!!
