Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The sun finally decided to come out and give us a sunny weekend to enjoy. The boys were so happy to be able to go out in the backyard and play with their trucks, sandbox, and playhouse. Tate did great playing baseball with daddy and was so proud of himself when he had some really good hits.

Webber usually loves to sleep in the house all day, but not this day! He laid in the grass and soaked up the warm sunshine too.

Carson played with Tate in the playhouse and ran around out in the yard until it was time to take a juice box break.

The boys like to play up on the embankment at the back of our yard. Then they throw tennis balls from the retaining wall down to the dogs.

Even Holly spent some time outside in the sun with us in her favorite bouncer chair.

1 comment:

  1. Awe... I miss the sunshine!! lol
    Can't wait to see you guys!!
