Saturday, October 30, 2010

San Diego vacation

The one day it didn't rain during our trip, we went decided to take the kids to the San Diego Zoo.
We saw the real gorillas while at the zoo. The boys were very intrigued by them because one of the gorillas had a very cute little baby gorilla.

We saw all the animals that we could during the day, including these camels.

I parked Holly in her stroller in front of the glass near the orangutan. This orangutan came over and sat right in front of Holly and they just looked at each other for awhile! They each seemed to find the other very interesting.

Carson thought it was very cool to be so close to this lion as he walked toward us.

The boys let me take their picture with this elephant after seeing the real elephants. The zoo keeper was feeding the elephants tree branches while we visited. Carson liked it when he was told that one of the elephants that we were watching is named "Cookie".

The last day of our trip we went to the Birch Aquarium. It gave the kids the brief opportunity to run around with and visit with our friends who live in San Diego.

I got the chance to spend some time with my closest friend since high school. She lives now in San Diego with her family and is expecting her third daughter in January.

Sunset at the beach was so beautiful

Though it was too cold to get into the ocean, we took a walk along the water and found a fun place to stop for lunch. Carson's shirt says "king of the sandcastle", but he didn't get the chance to prove it on this trip.

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