Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy Halloween

We carved pumpkins at Mimi's house, but this year it was raining so it became an indoor activity. I helped Tate carve his pumpkin because after feeling how sticky an slimy the pulp, he wasn't too interested in carving much more. Tate was so excited to have a skeleton on his, while Carson directed Mimi to make his pumpkin a kitty face.
Holly just was happy to be part of the fun day with her brothers!

Carson showed Holly his finished pumpkin, but watched her with a close eye so that she wouldn't tip his pumpkin down onto the floor.

Halloween night we went trick-or treating with our neighbors. Our group was 5 little boys and Holly. This was Holly's first Halloween!!! She liked her pink kitty costume, but didn't wear the hood part for very long.

Tate was Iron Man, Carson was Spider man, and Holly a kitty. The boys loved trick-or-treating so much this year! We went up and down 3 streets in our neighborhood. The boys love candy and realized quickly that it is very fun to knock on door after door to keep collecting more!!!

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