Thursday, November 18, 2010

Holly's 1st Birthday

The Birthday Girl!

We went to "Icing on the Cupcake" with a few friends for Holly's first birthday party. Holly got to pick out her very own special cupcake.

The anticipation was big......

but the delicious cupcake was the best!!!!

Later that evening, we came home for some birthday dinner of tacos with Holly's Mimi and Pa, and RahRah and Papa. After dinner, she put on her birthday girl crown and had ,yes, another cupcake!!!

It was finally time to open presents! Holly got a "Little Mermaid" ride on toy from RahRah and Papa. She was excited to hop on to try it out, and her brothers were even more excited to push her around the house.

She also got her very own suitcase from Mimi and Pa for her to take on our Hawaiian vacation planned for February next year.


  1. Dear Lisa: My first comment didn't seem to "take," so maybe I'll do better this time. :-) I so enjoyed viewing Holly's adorable b'day photos; as well as seeing Tate, minus his latest tooth, plus the H'ween photos, too. Holly, Carson and Tate are such delightful children. You and Eric must be so proud. Thanks for sharing . . . hugs to all. Love, Aunt Jeanette

  2. I love all of your pictures!! The picture of Holly looking through the glass at the cupcakes, is one of my favs!!
