Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving Day 2010

As we do every year, we took our family Christmas card photo on Thanksgiving afternoon. Believe me when I say that it is not an easy trick to get all 5 of us sitting together, looking at the camera, and smiling at the same time!!!

My dad and grandparents came over in the early afternoon for a brief visit and some dessert!

My grandpa brought the boys each a '57 Corvette toy car. They loved their surprise treat and had fun racing them across the kitchen floor.

Then.....later in the afternoon, we hosted their second Thanksgiving event. Eric's brother Scott came over to help Eric deep fry the turkey. The boys were very interested in the whole idea of cooking the turkey with the pot out on the grass in our backyard.

The turkey turned out great! Our family enjoyed dinner with Eric's parents, Eric's brother Scott, and my mom. When asked what the boys were thankful for, Tate replied that he was thankful for his grandparents, and Carson said that he was thankful for Toy Story.

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