On November 6th, with excitement and anticipation, we left San Diego to head to the blue waters of the Mexican Reviera. Although it was cold and rainy in Southern California, our spirits were not dampened as we boarded Holland America's Oosterdam cruise ship. We were invited on this wonderful trip with my Aunt Marcia and Uncle Mike (otherwise known to the kids as YaYa and YoYo). YoYo took the boys to see the Oosterdam ship where we would be spending our week, and the boys couldn't believe how big it was.
The first day on board, Holly loved her bacon, eggs, and pancakes breakfast. We ate each morning here in the restaurant on the Lido deck. The boys usually choose waffles and bacon for breakfast each day. One morning they even had the special treat of chocolate syrup on their waffles.

Up on the top deck, we could really take in the beautiful water and feel the sea breeze.

What is a vacation without a little relaxation in the sun??

Out by the pool, we spent sometime in the sun. The water in the pool was a bit chilly, but the kids still had a fun time splashing around.

Since the pool water was a bit cold, the boys decided to warm up in the hot tub for a few minutes. Carson calls it the "hot pool" and has asked if we can get a hot pool for our backyard at home!

Tate and I went out on the deck to check out the view while the ship made a brief stop in Cabo.

YoYo and YaYa were so much fun to travel with. We were so fortunate to enjoy such a wonderful vacation with them and for the opportunity to have wonderful memories that we will always treasure.

Two of the evenings on board were "formal night". Eric was glad to have an opportunity to wear his suit which normally doesn't get too much use. The kids liked dressing up too for the special formal dinner in the main dining room.
The kids kept busy while waiting for their fancy 4 course dinner by coloring, coloring, and more coloring! Carson's favorite dinner that he ordered almost every night was...pizza!

After dinner each night, the boys would beg us to take them to the kids club called " Club Hal". Each night had a theme and this night it was obviously pirate night. The group of kids at the club were taken on a scavenger hunt for pirate treasure all throughout the ship. The loved going to Club Hal and asked continually if it was time to go again.

Puerto Vallarta Mexico was our first port to stop at for a day. The weather was warm and was a much anticipated change from the cool California temperature that we had left behind. The kids got the opportunity to use their newly acquired passports while in Mexico, so now they officially have their first passport stamps.

While waiting for the catamaran on the docks in Puerto Vallarta that, the kids visited with some of the locals.

Carson wasn't shy while holding his new parrot friend named Rosa.

Mike and Marcia had a seat together while on the catamaran from Puerto Vallarta across the bay to Las Caletas.

We packed up our swimsuits, towels, and sunscreen for the Las Caletas Hideaway day excursion. The catamaran ride was fun with food, music and dancing.... until Holly got sea sick.

Once at Las Caletas, the boys to the rare opportunity to feed these cute little monkeys as they crazily ran on Tate's head and arms. The kids loved it and were laughing and squealing the entire time.

After feeding the monkeys, we walked up a short path to the donkey stables. Carson's sweet donkey was named Chana who slowly and patiently took Carson up to the top of the lush hillside.

Tate's donkey named Poncho seemed to be equal in temperament and pace as Carson's donkey.

Once the kids were at the top of the tropical forest, they crossed a cool wooden suspension bridge to get to the platform starting point for the zip line.

They painted the kids faces so that they would feel more like tough, brave warriors as they zip lined across the jungle.

There goes Tate, fearless as can be! Tarzan himself couldn't have done a better job of swinging through the tropical treetops.

Carson didn't miss out on the fun. He zipped along, just like a natural, high above the ground.

The visit to Las Caletas was one heck of an excursion. The jungle setting, the beach and the authentic Mexican lunch all came together for a wonderful day. There were lots of activities to try like swimming, kayaking and snorkeling....and when that was enough, the buffet lunch was a great chance to sit and rest.

Tate made sand castles, played in the surf, and had a great day.

This inner tube was definitely bigger then Carson, but he finally did it and managed to get it into the surf.

Holly and dad had their own fun in the sun

La Familia

While appreciating a more remote part of the beach we notice a very cool surprise. When we looked closely enough, we notice that in among the shells and rocks of the beach were hundreds of hermit crabs. Holly was not intimidated by the little crabby critters, she loved them!

What a blonde beach baby. She was definitely not mistaken for a local!

After a fun day in Puerto Vallarta, the next stop was in beautiful Cabo San Lucas. Eric and Holly started their day by enjoying their room service breakfast out on the veranda of our stateroom.

What a great way to start the day with a little bit of eggs, bacon, and a lot of sunshine.

In Cabo, we had the best chips, guacamole, and Margaritas at this festive restaurant.

Los Arcos is a beautiful site to admire at the southern tip of Cabo San Lucas. It is here that the Pacific Ocean meets the Sea of Cortez.

In Cabo, we went on a semi-sub underwater trip. Down inside the yellow submarine, each seat had a great view of the ocean below. The boys consulted their fish identification cards to spot and check all the tropical fish that they saw. Since the sub never actually leaves the ocean's surface, topside we enjoyed the fresh air, pelicans and sea lions sunning out on the rocks. We also got the chance to see the landmark "Land's End" (which is the last tip of rock in Baja California).

One of the last nights of the cruise was the much anticipated "dessert night". The boys stayed up later then usual and at 10:00pm we made our way up to the Lido deck to admire all of the amazing desserts that the cheft had created. They had every dessert imaginable.
The boys were thrilled!

Carson asked one of the chefs if he could have a bit of the chocolate dragon which was an elaborate decoration atop of a gigantic chocolate cake. Much to Carson's delight, the chef took the entire dragon off of the cake and placed the whole thing right on his plate.
(The third eye facepainting on Carson's forehead was from earlier in the evening. While in the kids club they took part in the space/alien themed activities.)

On our final night on the ship, we celebrated Holly's 2nd birthday! Holly had been quite a favorite with all of the wonderful wait staff throughout the entire week. So, they all gave her extra attention and happily came to our table to sing her Happy Birthday song. What a lucky kid to get to celebrate a birthday while on such a fantastic vacation!!