Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas vacation has begun!

I was lucky enough to work in Tate's class during their last day of school before Christmas break. Their classroom holiday festivities included making gingerbread houses. All the kids worked hard, frosting was everywhere, and a good time was had by all. He was very pleased with his final product and was excited to take it home to taste it!

Tate's teacher Ms. Hellen is so wonderful. She is everything that we could ever hope for in a kindergarten teacher. She is kind, caring, and incredibly patient. I get to help in Tate's class about once a month, and it is always such a great experience.

This is Tate's kindergarten class (all 26 of them) showing off their completed gingerbread houses. Tate is sitting on the bottom left of the picture. Now they all get to enjoy the next 2 weeks off to enjoy their Christmas holiday!

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