Friday, December 30, 2011

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas

Christmas eve afternoon was when the holiday fun began. We spent the afternoon in Auburn at my step-sister Mary's house with the entire Schlichting family. Tate and Carson had fun playing with their cousins Jonas and baby Emmy. We sang Christmas carols with piano accompanyment by Pa and Aunt Susan, ate lots of good food, and the kids opened presents.

When we got back home on Christmas eve from the Schlichting Christmas party, we put on pjs and open some of our own presents under the tree.

The kids each opened up their new personalized plates. They all really liked their new plates, but Im not sure if Carson is excited or scared about his.

Before heading to bed, the boys thoughtfully prepared a plate of cookies and milk for Santa and included carrots for the reindeer.

Carson was the first one up on Christmas morning. He quietly crept downstairs to see if Santa had brought gifts. When he saw that Santa had come, he was wise enough to not touch any of them before coming back upstairs to wake everyone up. We all eventually made it downstairs together to see the suprises.

Tate got a new Atlanta Braves hat, Cruncher the attacking dinosaur, and 4 new golden turtles, all per his requests to Santa.

Santa brought Carson the items from his Christmas list such as a Koo Koo bird stuffed toy, a new Braves hat too, and a Super Mario Brothers Yoshi toy. Holly was happy with a new indoor tinker bell tent, Care Bears, and her very own princess crown.

Holly with her new group of Care Bears, new necklace and new princess pjs.

The boys each have had their own tents to play in on rainy indoor days, so now Holly can join in with them in her own Tinker Bell tent. She looks like she really loves it!

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