Sunday, March 6, 2011

Opening Day of Baseball- March 5th

This is Tate's T-ball team, they named themselves the "Grey Wolves". Tate is on the left of the line up giving me the point.

Tate wouldn't give me a real smile, so this is the best picture I could get on this day. I think he was a bit excited and nervous about his first game.

He practiced his swing in the batters box before he had his big chance at bat.

He had a great hit and made it to first base. Eric is the assistant coach for the T-ball team so, he made sure to point Tate in the right direction to second base.

Eric doesn't look to0 thrilled, but really he was quite happy about how well the game went. It can be pretty unpredictable to send a team of 4-5 year old boys out onto the field for their first game, but it went much more smoothly then expected. They all played a great game and Eric was very proud of Tate. Now only 15 more games in this season to go!!!!

1 comment:

  1. awe... they are so cute at that age, on those big fields!!
