Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ready for Easter

The day before our Easter celebration, Mimi came over to help us get ready for the big Easter event. First on the "must do" list was to color eggs. The boys went shirtless so that they wouldn't have the chance to stain up their shirts in the egg dying process.

Holly watched the egg coloring event so that she will be ready to join in next year. Woody was close by too so as not to miss anything either.

Mimi helped mix more color and vinegar as the boys closely watched her every move in anticipation.

Carson took his job very seriously and wanted to color as many eggs as possible.

Tate was proud of his coloring job too

No Easter egg decorating is complete without adding some stickers. Carson loves stickers and will happily add stickers to anything that he can.

Next on the Easter preparation list was to make the traditional "bunny cake". Holly watched her brothers lick the spoons after making the batter and realized that she was missing out on something pretty good. She climbed up on this step stool all by herself and found the extra spatula on the counter.

Ummmm.....that chocolate batter really is good!

We frosted, decorated, and sprinkled our bunny cake and this was our finished masterpiece!

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