Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny came bright and early and left the kids each a basket full of toys and candy. Carson couldn't wait to start on the candy as quickly as possible.

Tate found candy, books, and toys in his basket. He is testing out his new quacking duck whistle. After a few quacks though, we quickly decided that it make a good "outside only" whistle.

RahRah joined us for a bit on Easter morning so she could see what the Easter Bunny had brought.

Holly was given a 2 minute head start on the Easter egg hunting. The boys patiently watched from the windows until they were given the ok to go out and start searching too. Tate had some luck finding some eggs over by our back gate.

Holly just liked to walk around out in the lawn with candy in her hands. She left most of her share of the eggs for her brothers to find.

My aunt Ricki and uncle Kevin joined us along with Mimi and Pa for our Easter morning!

Finally, all the eggs were found and it was a very happy Easter!


  1. I just knew I'd be in for some more adorable photos if I visited your blog after Easter - sure enough, here they are! Everyone looks great; but of course the biggest change is in how much Holly has grown (what else can folks expect, huh?). Thanks for sharing photos of your family via this method. Hi to you, Eric and all of your kiddies. Love, Aunt Jeanette

  2. Love the pictures!! They are all growing up so fast! Baby-O is outgrowing his nickname! lol ;)
