Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Little League T-ball Feb-June 2012

Tate and Carson played t ball together this season on the Tri City A's team.
Coach Eric is on the top left, Tate is top row right, and Carson is bottom row-second from left. Most of the other kids on the team are either our neighborhood friends or boys from Tate's kindergarten class.

 Carson Davis #3 

Tate Davis #10

Carson looks like he is throwing in the ball from the outfield, but really he has just hit the ball off of the tee and is trying to quickly make his way to first base.

The kids each got the chance to try their hand at each of the positions in field and out field.  Tate though that playing catcher was especially cool because of all the extra gear to wear!

Each kid gets 3  pitches thrown to them by the coach.  If they are not able to hit any of those pitches, then they swing as many times as needed to get a hit off of the tee.  Thank goodness the games are played for only 1 hour, otherwise it could quite possibly take all day to get 7 innings!

Time in the dugout seemes to be usually spent chatting with friends or doing anything other then watching the game in progress. ;)

 Eric got suckered again this year into being the coach, hehe.  Last year he was the t ball team's assistant coach and thus figured that his t ball volunteer commitment had been completed.  But..... Eric ran into our very persuasive "team parent" before the season started and once again he just couldn't say no.  He did a great job and the kids all thought Coach Eric was a lot of fun.  Here he is giving Carson a few pointers on his swing.

The coach and his favorite players!

The team banner for the t ball A's 2012

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