Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Squaw Valley - May 26, 2012

 Memorial Day weekend!  We decided to spend the weekend at Squaw Valley at Lake Tahoe with our neighbors the Blumenthals.  Each of our families reserved a suite at the Village a Squaw Valley since we were able to find such a great online deal.  It turns out that the deal was so good because about half of the restaurants and shops in the Village were closed for the "off season".  Oh, well....at least we had good company, a bottle of wine and a deck of cards to entertain ourselves.

The kids went on a short trail hike along the path of ski lifts up the mountain side.  Then they found this stationary ski lift for a good opportunity to be silly.

 Even though it was May, the high elevation made it a bit chilly to spend much time out on our patio.  Holly braved the cool temp on our balcony to watch people come and go in the Village.

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