Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sunny San Diego- July 20th

 My friend Kate (above) and her family moved from our neighborhood  to Coronado in early July. Prior to her move, Kate had been the one person that I talked to, texted, or saw almost every day.  I was so sad to have her leave Rocklin, but saw the golden opportunity to visit the Southern part of our Golden State!
Eric was kind enough to stay home with the kids for the entire 3 day weekend, and believe me, it was an entire 3 days (airplane left 6am Friday & back 11pm Sunday).  In addition to seeing Kate, I was also lucky enough to spend an afternoon with my wonderful friend Jen.  I have know Jen since high school and miss her all the time too.  I suppose that if 2 of my best friends have to live far away, at least they are both in San Diego...a great place to visit!

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