Thursday, November 19, 2009

Baby Holly has arrived- November 17th 2009

After having dinner and a second large slice of pumpkin pie at Eric's parent's house, the contractions began around 8:00pm. Eric's mom decided to come over to stay the night at our house just in case we needed to leave in the middle of the night. Turns out it was really great that she did because finally around 1:30am, I decided it was time to head to the hospital.

My friend Autumn (who is also expecting a little girl in January) came to be with us at the hospital too.

Eric's dad came to our house to be with the boys in the early hours of the morning so that Eric's mom could come join us at the hospital. She and my friend Rebecca (with the help of coffee) patiently waited for the arrival of the new baby.

My mom quickly came also to meet her new granddaughter.

Finally after ten hours of labor, one epidural and five pushes later......Holly Marin Davis arrived at 6:04am !!!!

Dad watched while the nurses checked her over to make sure all was just perfect, and she was!!!

She weighed 8lbs 4oz, and 20 inches long. (Carson weighed 9lbs 10oz when he was born, so this was a pleasant surprise to have her be only 8lbs.)

I was so happy to have her finally meet us and meet the world.

I would imagine that all the bright lights, needle sticks and noise that come just after being delivered would be very jarring. She calmed down immediately and contentedly after being bundled up and placed on my chest.

The next morning, Holly's grandpa and great grandpa came to the hospital for a visit with their new grand baby!

This was the little label on her bed there at the hospital.

Holly Marin Davis

We named her Holly just because it was one of the few names that we both liked. Marin because a few weeks before she was born we were driving back from Ft. Bragg and drove through Marin County in the bay area. We thought it would make for a good middle name and decided to go with that.

We stayed at the hospital just over 24 hours and were ready to head home.

Daddy loaded her up in our Explorer to go home to meet her two brothers Tate and Carson, and our household of pets (dogs Webber and Woody and kitties Zinger and Cheddar).

Carson took a little time to warm up because he has been very used to being the baby of the house. Tate was immediately interested and intrigued with every aspect of his new baby sister. He wanted to see her tiny hands and feet. He thought it was very strange that she only has milk for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack.


  1. I LOVE all of the pictures!!! I'm impressed that you already did it!! Thank you!!! Give beautiful little Holly hugs and kisses from us!

  2. She is beautiful..Just like her mother! What a wonderful package to be thankful for this season! You are such a pro to have all these pictures up already. Here's to 18 years of ponytails and pearls--
