Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving time

Holly's first trip out and about (other then to the pediatrician) was to the park with mommy and Carson. We love to go the the playground and park behind the Roseville library. She slept the entire time we were there, but I think it still counts for her first outing.

Carson sat for this photo after a tremendous amount of bribery and promises of candy.

Tate was a bit more compliant then Carson to have his photo taken, but not much more. He was promised a sucker if he sat nicely and smiled.

Baby Holly on her first Thanksgiving. She had milk for dinner instead of turkey!!!

Now at 10 days old, she still sleeps the majority of the day. With two noisy brothers who yell, sing, and crash toys all around her, she can sleep through anything.

Tate thought it was so great to be able to hold his little sister all by himself. We got cozy on the couch after Thanksgiving dinner and relaxed all together. He was really excited to be wearing his new Merry Madagascar pajamas that Mimi bought for him.

Tate really loves to help cook. Mimi came over and we all made sugar cookies and Tate got to help roll out the dough. Then at frosting time, he was in charge of the sprinkles. We frosted with green, red and orange and had as many sprinkles on the floor as we had on the cookies.

These are the finished product!!! Tate was so proud of his hard work that he had to be rewarded by tasting a few cookies. Holly slept through the entire baking event all while in her little baby sling that she really loves.

After baking, we did some Thanksgiving creative craft projects. Tate and Carson each make a pine cone turkey with pipe cleaners and pompom balls. Then we make a turkey appetizer to eat out of grape and cheese tail skewers and bell pepper feathers.

1 comment:

  1. She is soooo cute!!!! She has such a pretty mouth too! The picture of Tate...Eric junior!!!
    lol. You guys are so creative!! Tell Tate that Mason class made pinecone turkeys! They look exactly the same!! And your cantelope turkey is awesome!! lol I love it!
