Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Apple Hill- October 2009

We took the boys for some fall festivities at Apple Hill. The boys worked hard walking all over the hills and through the orchard to find just the right apples to put into their buckets.

We stopped at three different orchards to make sure we didn't miss out on any good apples.

At Denver Dan's orchard, the boys each picked out their own apple picking bucket. In the spirit of the upcoming holiday, Tate chose this Halloween bucket.

Carson loves tractors! As we drive in our car around town, he always points out EVERY tractor that he sees. He was very excited to see this one up close and personal.

We could not go apple picking and not expect to sample any of them!

Eric and I had to make sure the kids knew to only pick the apples off of the trees and not off the ground. There were many half rotten apples on the ground that Carson was very tempted to pick up.

Carson was getting the idea of how to pick the perfect apple.

By the time our afternoon was over, we had a whole bag full of apples to take home. The next day Tate helped me make an apple pie and an apple cake.

1 comment:

  1. I love apple hill!! Wish we could have been there with you! How did your pie and cake turn out? Would love the recipe! =)
