Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween- October 2009

We went to Mimi's house to carve our pumpkins out in her front yard. A few weeks earlier we all went to the Davis Family Ranch (no, there is no relation) in Sloughhouse and picked out our pumpkins at the pumpkin patch.

Tate drew on the jack-o-lantern face with a sharpie pen, then the boys helped supervise during the carving and seed scooping. They thought the pumpkin insides were "yucky" and didn't want any part of touching it themselves.

This is Tate's jack-o-lantern.

Tate showed Mimi's dog Newt the spooky Halloween bat that she gave us to take home to hang in the tree in our front yard. The bat's eyes light up and it flies around in a circle. Tate thought it was very cool, Newt did not.

Tate's jack-o-lantern is on the left and Carson's is on the right. Tate designed his pumpkin's face all by himself, but Carson needed some creative guidance. They were both very very happy with their finished pumpkins.

Carson was Ratatouille from the Disney Pixar movie. He wasn't too excited ahead of time to wear it, but when he figured out that it was a way to get candy, he decided to put it on. His trick-or-treating bucket is the same bucket that I used when I was a kid....its been around for a really long time!!

Tate was going to be the same blue monster that he wore last year, but when we saw this shark costume at TJ Maxx the day before Halloween, he changed his mind.

The boys reluctantly posed on our front porch for a quick picture before going out for some candy. We just went trick-or-treating to some of the neighbor's houses that are on our street. We probably stopped at about 10 houses all together and the kids were delighted with the amount of candy that they returned with.

As soon as this picture was taken, they both immediately took off their costumes and put on their pajamas so they could be comfy and check out their new supply of candy. They both spent the rest of the evening answering the door for our trick-or-treaters and happily handed out candy to them in the Halloween spirit!

1 comment:

  1. The costumes are adorable.... but my favorite part are your pumpkin shirts!!! I love them!!
    You are so clever!! =)
