Monday, December 31, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

While we were in San Diego, we visited with Santa and the kids put in their requsts.  Have they been naughty or nice?........we shall see!
 Our Christmas tree this year was one of our biggest ever!  It took up such a large portion of our front room, but it looked so very pretty!  On Christmas eve, Eric and Carson fell asleep on the couch while waiting for Santa.  They looked so peaceful!
Santa rewarded Tate with his requests of Heely's shoes(shoes that have a small wheel in the sole),
a new DS game, Trashies, Legos, and a Star Wars Angry Bird shirt.

 Carson got a Fix it Felix toy, an ant farm, Angry Bird Jenga game, Epic Mickey wii game, and a new DS game.

Holly got a Jesse doll, a Heffalump toy (from Winnie the Pooh), and a variety of suckers. 

 On Christmas Day, Grandpa brought over Great Grandma and Great Grandpa.  The kids were so excited to open more fun presents!

Carson got a set of toys from his new favorite Disney movie, Wreck-It-Ralph

Holly loves the Disney movie Toy Story, so was loving her new Cowboy Woody and Jesse toys.

The Moessner family

Our pal Woody

 Shortly after returning from our trip to San Diego, we sadly had to say goodbye to our good dog Woody.  He was diagnosed with Cancer and just 3 short weeks later he was gone.  He has been a part of our family for the last 9 years and we will miss him greatly.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Happiest Place on Earth- Disneyland

The weekend before Thanksgiving we packed up our suitcases, loaded up the car, and with park hopper tickets in hand, we headed to Disneyland.  We left our house at 9pm and finally arrived in Anaheim around 4am.  That may sound like a terrible time to travel, but with kids who get car sick, bicker, and need to pee every 20 miles, driving at night while they are asleep is a wonderful idea!
This time of year Disneyland is all decked out for the Christmas holiday and was a fun way to try to get into the Christmas spirit. 
Holly was all buckled in and ready for the carousel, but at the last second, it wasn't working and we all had to get off and move on to something else.
Tate was all ready too! He favored these more mellow rides during his visit and decided to save those like Space Mountain for another time.
It's A Small World is not always everybody's favorite song, but it sure was pretty all lit up in lights. 
The kids liked the ride too, especially because it too had been changed to follow a Christmas theme inside also.
RahRah and Papa were good shots on the Buzz Lightyear laser shooting ride with Holly!
Tate and Carson did bravely try Splash Mountain.  Carson loved it so much that he talked Papa into taking him again.  Tate thought it was ok, so decided to pass on it the second time.

Here are Carson and Papa on their turn together.  Papa is in the very back with Carson right in front of him.  Carson said that it was "AWESOME"!
Holly loves Tigger and Pooh right now as much as Ariel.  She was so excited to meet both characters in Pooh Corner.  She went on the Winnie the Pooh ride (you ride in a giant bee skep) 5 times in a row.  Luckily RahRah was a really good sport to go all those times and was an even better sport when she later went with Holly 8 times on the Little Mermaid ride!
Cars Land was fun, but the best ride there had a 2 1/2 hour wait, yikes.  The town of Radiator Springs really did look like it was right out of the movie.....very cool!
The Toy Story ride was probably the biggest hit of all.  The boys loved shooting at all of the targets and kept close watch on their score.  Eric and Tate were quite pleased with themselves because they had the highest score for their "car" so far that day!
While in San Diego, we took the boys to the movies to see Wreck It Ralph, so it was only fitting since they had their picture with Ralph at Disneyland.  The boys had saved some money ahead of time for Disneyland so that they could pick out a toy there that they were just dying to have when the time came.  They both chose the same thing and both spent their money on a really big stuffed Wreck It Ralph toy.
Although only Carson and Holly braved the haunted mansion, both boys wanted their photo taken with Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas.
After 2 days at Disneyland, we drove to San Diego and spent the rest of Thanksgiving week at a condo in Carlsbad.  They all loved being able to swim in November and spent a few afternoons in the pool!
Carson looks like a man of leisure on vacation
Right next door to our condo was a great Mexican food restaurant.  It had a great outdoor patio and pretty fountains.
The kids sweetly posed in the garden area of the condo's courtyard.  It was a great area that had lounge chairs, fire pits and a great view of the ocean.
As I'm sure I've mentioned before, two of my best friends live in San Diego.  My friend Jen who I've known since high school lives there with her husband and 3 girls.  I met Jen and her girls at Balboa Park and the kid spent the morning playing together while she and I spent the morning chit-chatting.
My other best friend Kate lives in Coronado with her husband Bo and son Wilson.  They invited us to spend Thanksgiving with them and join them at her in-law's house.  We were so lucky to spend the day with our friends and enjoy kind hospitality, a beautiful Coronado home, and an excellent Thanksgiving dinner! 
On Thanksgiving, I asked Bo to take us to the beach near the Hotle Del Coronado for a family photo.  At 4pm the lighting wasn't very good and with squirley kids, I didn't think any of our family photos taken would be "keepers".  But...much to my suprise, Bo was able to take one photo in which we were all looking at the camera and all smiling! Yay!

Happy Halloween

The weekend before Halloween, the kids went to the fall carnival together Bella at their school.  All the activities, games, and food were outside on the playground and they all ran around in their costumes having a great time.
Holly used her game tickets on a pony ride and face painting instead of the carnival game booths. 
She looked lovely with her face painted and wearing her Little Mermaid Ariel dress.
Since Halloween was on a Wednesday this year, it was my day to work the morning shift at the dental office.  My friend Rebecca and I decided to make the best of it and dressed up as the "sunrise special" and wore our bacon and eggs costumes.  Luckily I was able to use the kid's pretend grocery food to make accessories and jewelry for us.  We were a success in getting a laugh from our coworkers and even won 1st place in our costumes contest!
Once I was home from work we got to work carving pumpkins.  This year the kids picked out an Angry Bird template book for the patterns, so we had Angry Bird pumpkins!
These cute pet costumes were on sale for only  $4.00 each, so YES, I did make my poor dogs dress up too!

Halloween night the kids did a great job canvasing our neighborhood and depleting the local candy supply.  We joined our neighbor Andrew (Superman) and Holly decided to wear her honey bee costume and they went trick-or-treating.  They collected so much candy that they had to stop back by the house to empty their bags before heading out for more.  Just what we need....enough candy to last the next 12 months!


Before we had our kids, Eric and adopted all of our pets and started our family from there.  Now years later, all of our pets are getting up there in age.  Our beloved cat Cheddar died last month from kidney failure and we are very sad to not have him in our family anymore.  He was great cat, always so tolerant of the kid and their noise, and always right in the middle of the chaos.  We will miss him.

Nike Women's Marathon-October 14th

I ran the half marathon in the Nike Womens Marathon in San Francisco.  It is the worlds largest womens marathon and includes 25,000 women.  Each year, it is so popular that Nike does a lottery drawing to select the 25,000 who will be included.  Luckily, this year I got to participate!!!  It started as a cold, foggy, and dark (7am race start) morning.  However, as the sun came up, it was lovely to run past so many SF landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge and Pier 39.  I did struggle more then I would have liked because it turnes out that I was getting the stomach flu that morning and would go on to spend a miserable rest of the day in bed with a fever.  But I did finish and was proud of it!! Instead of a big clunky finishers medal that is usually awarded, this race gives out coveted Tiffany necklaces distributed to the finishers by San Francisco firemen in tuxedos!!! Wow!!