Monday, December 31, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

While we were in San Diego, we visited with Santa and the kids put in their requsts.  Have they been naughty or nice?........we shall see!
 Our Christmas tree this year was one of our biggest ever!  It took up such a large portion of our front room, but it looked so very pretty!  On Christmas eve, Eric and Carson fell asleep on the couch while waiting for Santa.  They looked so peaceful!
Santa rewarded Tate with his requests of Heely's shoes(shoes that have a small wheel in the sole),
a new DS game, Trashies, Legos, and a Star Wars Angry Bird shirt.

 Carson got a Fix it Felix toy, an ant farm, Angry Bird Jenga game, Epic Mickey wii game, and a new DS game.

Holly got a Jesse doll, a Heffalump toy (from Winnie the Pooh), and a variety of suckers. 

 On Christmas Day, Grandpa brought over Great Grandma and Great Grandpa.  The kids were so excited to open more fun presents!

Carson got a set of toys from his new favorite Disney movie, Wreck-It-Ralph

Holly loves the Disney movie Toy Story, so was loving her new Cowboy Woody and Jesse toys.

The Moessner family

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