Saturday, December 1, 2012

Merrill Kids Mud Run- October 28

I enjoyed doing a mud run last month with my friends so much, that I figured the boys would love it too.  What little boys wouldn't want the chance to get as muddy as they possibly can?? 
 Tate is showing off his new dog tag finishers medal at the end of the race!
The boys had to crawl under the ropes on their hands and knees to get to the finish line.  If the were not dirty before, they were now!!
Carson made his way through the mud pit too, but included a lot of mud splashing.  He was a mess!
 This is Carson on the finishing end of the mud pit.  He had mud in his nose, ears, and mouth!
Luckily, they had tons of hoses attached to water trucks filled with fresh water for rinsing off afterward.  I would not have wanted these muddy boys in my new car!!
 This is the mud pit that they had been crawling through and was the final leg of the 1 mile race!
What a fun finish!
The race was out at Folsom Lake and it was a beautiful day to be outside.  I had originally expected to run along with the boys to help them out if needed, but once we arrived at the race I realized that there was a "no parents on the course" rule.  I was immediately concerned that I had signed them up for a 1 mile obstacle race that they now were going to have to do completely on their own!!! Yikes, what had I done?!! So.... I calmly instructed/pleaded with Tate to stick with Carson for the entire 1 mile and all the obstacles.  They were to remain a team no matter what and for him not to ditch his little brother for any reason.  Well, Tate did not disappoint! To my great pleasure, Tate was the best big brother ever.  Not only did he help Carson with the obstacles, but he even held Carson's hand for the ENTIRE race.  I was so proud of their teamwork and so proud of them both! Yeah!


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