Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bishops Farm Pumpkin Patch

No fall season is complete without a trip to the pumpkin patch, however it has been 5 years since we have been out to Bishops pumpkin patch.  Carson was pretty impressed with this gigantic pumpkin, but no we didn't buy it! Carson is wearing his Luigi Halloween costume hat because he thinks it is the coolest hat ever.  It wasn't my favorite accessory for picture taking, but at least it helped make him very easy to find in the crowd of kids in the kids playground. 

Eric and the kids met me at the pumpkin patch, so I was pretty amused to see the unique outfits that they each were wearing that day.  Carson had on his bright green Halloween costume along with an Angry Bird shirt "I'm the Bomb".  Holly had on a dress that was 2 sized too small and mismatched shoes.  I love Eric for getting the kids ready while I wasn't at home, but I love his fashion choices even more!
 Bishops also has a fun sunflower patch which has little paths for the kids to run through.  For a small fee, you can pick the sunflowers yourself to take home. 

The petting zoo area is always a
favorite too!  The sheep and goats were a lot of fun for the kids to pet and feed!

 The baby goats were so little and soooo cute!
My neighbor Amy and I went to the pumpkin patch early in the morning before our families arrived.  She and I arrived at 8:00am and ran a 10k run that was sponsored by both Fleet Feet and the pumpkin patch.  It was a great run, but even at that time in the morning it was already pretty hot outside.  The 6 miles included running through the pumpkin patches, sunflower fields, and walnut orchards all within the farm property.  Eric and the kids met us there at the end to cheer us at the finish line.  Although Amy and I were hot and tired out, we spent the rest of the day with our kids having a fun day at Bishops.

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